This website's administrators abide by the EU Safe Harbor Framework as outlined by the US Department of Commerce and the European Union and are trained, aware, and abide by all aspects of the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy and Computer Fraud and Abuse Acts. We encourage all internet users to be equally aware. 

This is Our Privacy Policy:

You can visit web pages at the domain without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself. No information is gathered about you surreptitiously. We make no effort to identify public users of our site. No identifying data is disclosed to any third party for any purpose.

  1. we do not seek to collect personal information;

  2. we use no cookies*;

  3. will maintain a safe-for-children standard

* We may occasionally use cookies to identify sessions when visitors are browsing our sites. By using anonymous session cookies we are able to keep users separate from each other and to distinguish separate connections to our web servers. This allows us to analyze trends and statistics about flow of traffic and visitor activities on our sites. A session cookie contains a unique value that identifies a particular session, but contains no personal identifying values or information. Session cookies are automatically deleted when the visitor ends a session by closing the browser and are not stored permanently on the visitor's computer.

Volunteered Personal Information Kept Private

In the event that any person chooses to provide us with personal information in order to request a service, by email for example, any information that may be used to identify you as an individual, including, but not limited to, a first and last name, a home or other physical address, an email address or other contact information, whether at work, school or at home, shall be safeguarded by us, restricted from all other parties, and used only for the purpose you intended.

Information about you is received only when you specifically and knowingly provide personal information to us for the purpose of requesting a service strictly for the purpose of enabling us to deliver that service, for example, by email.

Dispute Resolution
Whereas this web site shall be bound by the standards as set out by the W3C, MPRM Group Limited and it's host server administrators for reserve the right to determine what constitutes a privacy breach.